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Ministry of Employment & Labour Relations


National Tripartite Committee

A Committee of organised labour, employers and government that determines the National Daily Minimum Wage (NDMW) among others.


Establishment of National Tripartite Committee:

The National Tripartite Committee shall be composed of:

  1. the Minister who shall be the chairperson;
  2. five representatives of the Government;
  3. five representatives of employers’ organization; and
  4. five representatives of organized labour.


  • Determine the national daily minimum wage;
  • Advise on employment and labour market issues, including labour laws, international labour standards, industrial relations and occupational safety and health;
  • Consult with partners in the labour market on matters of social and economic importance; and
  • Perform such other functions as the Minister may request for the promotion of employment development and peace in the labour sector.


Meeting of the National Tripartite Committee

  • The National Tripartite Committee shall meet at times and at places determined by the members but shall meet at least once in every three months.
  • The quorum for a meeting of the National Tripartite Committee shall be nine members with at least two members each representing the government, organized labour and employers organizations.
  • The National Tripartite Committee may invite any interest group to attend any of its meetings.
  • Except as otherwise provided in this section, the National Tripartite Committee shall regulate its proceedings.
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