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Ministry of Employment & Labour Relations


The National Labour Commission (NLC) is established under Section 135 of the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651). The function of the Commission includes the settlement of industrial disputes through negotiations and other effective alternative methods of disputes resolution, such as mediation and arbitration. Others are the NLC’s Regulations (2006), Legislative Instrument (LI) 1822 and the Labour Regulations (2007), LI 1833. Before the promulgation of Act 651, the Industrial Relations Act 1960, (Act 299) governed labour relations. Under Act 299, the Labour Department under the Ministry of Labour Affairs was in charge of managing and settling industrial disputes. Act 651 has been described as a consensus document because it is a negotiated law where there was a lot of give and take by the Social Partners in labour relations. The Social Partners are composed of two representatives each from Government, Organized Labour and the Ghana Employers Association.


mission aims to develop and sustain a peaceful and harmonious industrial relations environment through the use of effective dispute resolution practices within the context of the law, promotion of cooperation among the labour market players and mutual respect for their rights and responsibilities


To have a harmonious industrial relations environment borne out of the firm understanding of, and committed compliance with the Labour Laws by all stakeholders, to make the Ghanaian economy competitive to attract investment.


The NLC’s policy objectives under the Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda are as follows:

  • Promote a harmonious labour relations environment
  • Compliance with the laws regulating the employment relationship
  • Adherence to procedures for addressing industrial disputes/ disagreements.


The functions of the Commission under Section 138 of the Act are to:

  • Facilitate the settlement of industrial disputes;
  • Settle industrial disputes;
  • Investigate labour–related complaints, in particular unfair labour practices and take such steps as it considers necessary to prevent labour disputes;
  • Maintain a data base of qualified mediators and arbitrators;
  • Promote effective labour co-operation between Labour and Management;
  • Perform any other such functions conferred on it under the Act.

Section 138(2) provides that “In exercise of its adjudicating and dispute settlement function, the Commission shall not be subject to the control or direction of any person or authority”.

  • Establish and maintain relations with relevant organisations and institutions both within and outside the country engaged in activities connected with youth skills training;
  • Maintain a database of youth engaged in the country;
  • Advise the minister on matters that relate to the employment and development of the youth;
  • Perform any other function that is necessary for the attainment of the objective of the Agency.